Door intercom systems do come in all shapes and sizes with different features like coded keypads, swipe cards and video entry so you can see people when they buzz your flat number.

nello has a graphite black finish
While living in a flat apartment building has its advantages, there are drawbacks like the communal aspect of block of flats. Say for instance, you wanted to upgrade the communal entrance door for the flat, you wouldn't just be able to do it without having to consult somebody first.

videx smart 1 handset
The nello intercom system works on block of flats which have a simple buzzer front door entry system with a door release latch. Take for instance the videx smart 1. This intercom system consists of a full duplex wired intercom fitted at the front door of a block of flats and an AC-powered buzzer telephone handset installed inside the flat apartment.

cable ports
The standard door to door intercom system is great but with a solution like nello one you can really turn it up a notch by making the door release latch at the front door of your block of flats remote controlled.
Size 50mm x 57.8mm x 12mm/ Weight 22g

nello one includes 7 cables and screw driver
Setting up Nello is pretty much plug and play. Nello is powered by the intercom handset in your flat and requires no wiring done to the communal intercom outside so it does not disrupt your neighbors intercom system.

The only bit of wiring needed to be done is wiring the Nello device to the handset unit inside your flat. It's just a matter of hooking the cables in the right places which is easy thanks to the easy to follow instructions.

1. Remove outer casing of handset.

2. Download nello app and install it on your phone

3. Search your intercom model

4.Insert color coded cables into nello one

5. Loosen up back casing of handset and slide cables through the back of it

if you need to remove a cable from nello, simply rotate the cable in a twisting motion

6. Take a picture of the cabling

7. Connect cables to each respective cable as per nello app instructions

8. Once cables are connected properly the green LED on nello one starts blinking

9. Enter your WiFi details to pair nello to a your router (it has to be a 2.4GHz router)

10. The following message appears when WiFi set up is successful

11. Put handset casing back together

12. Go outside and buzz your intercom flat number 

13. Nello one automatically does a buzz test.

14. Nello one is ready to use. You can test it yourself.

What's cool about Nello one is that the nello app allows you to remotely open the front door of your flat building even if you are not at home.

nello keeps track of each buzz
As far as the security aspect of nello one, it does not just let anyone inside the building who buzzes your flat number unless you buzz them in or grant them access.