Even after more than 30 years, the Pac-Man figure remains as iconic as its older brother, the smiley face which was conceived in the early 1960's.

The electricity running costs of the Pac-Man lamp are negligible as it only uses a 2W bulb. To give you an idea, the average light bulb in a home uses 60W so at 2W the Pac-Man lamp is very energy efficient.

While only 2 watts, the Pac-Man lamp still functions as a useful bedside night lamp as it gives off a warm glow bright enough to find your way around a room (not bright enough though for bed time reading).

You can dim down the light to a low glow or a bright light via the included remote. There are a total of four brightness levels you can choose from.

Talking about the Pac-Man lamp remote control, it is design with a Pac-Man maze theme in black and white finish.

The Pac-Man lamp is child safe thanks to being made of plastic and running with low power. You won't have to worry about glass splatters if it breaks nor children getting burnt because the Pac-Man lamp does not get hot to the touch even after running for a few hours.

EU 2-pin plug to DC barrel connector