Venture Heat gloves have a nice clean design with small batteries that you can easily install in seconds. What's neat about these battery operated glove liners is that they are self contained thanks to a regulator built-in the controller which shuts off the gloves automatically when battery voltage becomes low.

one touch temperature control

reinforced fingertips for dexterity

1 year warranty for heating element
The total weight of the heated gloves, including the batteries is 310 grams (136 grams without the batteries).

addheat 25B lithium battery pack designed specially for heated gloves

6 month warranty for battery
The power charger for the heated gloves is a BX-25 power charger so it features dual plugs for charging both gloves at the same time. Full charge takes between 45 minutes to an hour and battery life can last up to 5 hours on the lowest setting (green light). On high and medium setting, the battery life of Venture Heat's glove liners is 3.5 hours and 2.5 hours respectively.
BX-25 power charger
When the batteries are fully charged, the LED on the power charger goes from solid red (charging) to solid green (full charge). Twenty minutes before the batteries are fully charged the LED on the power charger flashes green and red.
Venture Heat heated gloves are washable with a damp cloth or by hand in cold water with mild detergent.